CBD Squeezing Into Oral Care
CBD may be widely acknowledged for providing aid to soreness and anxiety, but did you know it offers promising benefits to oral health care? Due to its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antibacterial properties, CBD provides a high potential for a level of oral care that will have you falling in love and freshened up for February!
More delightfully, Colgate brand has acknowledged CBD’s potential benefits in oral health and has not only provided positive insight on their website regarding the issue, but they have also acquired a naturally friendly brand that has done some flirting with oral health care products that contain CBD as well as hemp seed oil. The newly acquired (since 2020) Colgate brand is called, “Hello”, and it includes products such as dental floss, mouthwash, toothpaste, and even lip balm.
When choosing any hemp-infused health care product, it is important to know the significant difference between hemp/CBD oil and hemp seed oil. Hemp seed oil is pressed from the seeds and contains little to no CBD content, so while nutritional value exists, the medicinal benefits that are seen in CBD are minimal or null in hemp seed oil. CBD, on the other hand, is made from the leaves and flowers of the hemp plant and as we know offer countless health benefits.We won’t turn down hemp seeds, but CBD will always be our main “squeeze”!
After speaking with Hello, it was disappointing to discover that the brand is taking a break with their CBD infused products due to lack of popularity. Due to their known value, they aren’t nixing them permanently but just giving them some space right now. Perhaps the deficient demand could be due to the surplus of struggles in promoting, advertising, and selling CBD, despite its federal legality. This is problem is prevalent amongst CBD companies everywhere.